Wednesday 12 September 2012

Research and Planning: Script Rough Draft

Victim of the Mind
Written and Performed by Amy’s Ghost
High angle shot of a city at night, the colour is black and white, and the car lights are sped up as to create the idea of a city being fast pace and never ending.
Then there is a long shot of Amy amongst a rushing crowd of people she is dressed in such a way that she looks completely out of place in comparison to the contemporary that surround her. The camera moves across the scene from left to right and then catches another scene where Amy is still looking out of place but is coming closer and closer to the camera. Around her you notice men who are dressed in the same way as Amy and look equally out of place.
A close up engulfs Amy’s face in the frame and the close up becomes more and more extreme until her eyes are all that can be seen in the frame it becomes apparent that she is crying there is then a gap in the music at which point she wipes away the tear and then the shot becomes in colour and the camera moves out, revealing her to be in a complete change of scenery and is a country setting.
The shot then moves to a tracking shot of a car moving down a country path at night, the red lights at the back of the car are prominent and it is seen that there are two people in the car.
A wide shot reveals Amy moving through a mountainous area, it is shown that she is determinedly heading in a certain direction.
Then there is a medium close up of a girl sitting in the car, she notices along the road that there are men set in places along the road they are dressed strangely and look as if they are travelling in a specific direction like Amy.
A wide shot then shows Amy standing in front of a waterfall. Her view in directed toward the right of the frame. A cross fade then shows the band member that has just been seen in the same location on the right hand side of the frame and looking in the direction of the left hand of the frame as if they are looking at each other yet at different points.
A long shot shows Amy continuing in her journey.
Another medium close up from another angle shows that the girl is being chauffeur driven yet it is not clear and to whether or not the chauffeur is a man or a woman. The girl then sees another band member.
Amy is at the peak of a mountain at sunset, once again she is standing to the left of the frame and looking towards the right. A cross fade then shows the band member that has just been seen by the girl reaching that peak and standing at the right looking toward the left.
The girl continues on her journey watching the road go past. She notices two figures standing by the side of the road. Then a wide shot reveals Amy at a different peak of the mountain where it is extremely windy, she is once again standing towards to left looking right. A cross fade then reveals the two band members at the peak being consumed by the wind, they are standing to the right looking left.
A long shot reveals that the car is approaching its destination and the sun is about to rise. There are then a montage of shots showing each band member and Amy coming together to form a circle each set up their instrument and begin to play the song. The car parks the chauffeur opens the door for the girl to get out.
A long shot reveals the girl walking up a hill to meet the band where they are playing and white rose petals begin to fall. The girl watches in awe of the scene in front of her and then Amy signals for her to come toward them.
A wide shot shows that as the girl gets closer each of the band members begin to fade the girl reaches Amy so that only her and Amy are in the circle. The girl then places her hands on Amy’s stomach and there is a pause.
A medium close up shows Amy giving the girl a white rose and as the girl focuses she looks back and Amy is gone.
A long shot reveals the girl running back to the car. The chauffeur opens the door for her and the girl sits in the car still holding the rose.
A long shot shows from a distance the chauffeur getting in to the car and driving toward the camera it is then seen that the chauffeur is Amy.

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