Wednesday 30 January 2013

Research and Planning: Typography

Typography is something that is key when designing an album artwork, it is a form of industry that is mainly associated with ; graphic designers, typographers and art directors. In terms of incorporating it in to the album artwork for Amy's Ghost constructing teh way we write is key to know what aspects of our writing style would best suit the image and iconography of the band.
We had an attempt at making our own typography see below pictures we then decided to test other type fonts to create a more appropriate effect such as: apple chancery, lucida grande and copperplate gothic bold. We compared each one and as much as apple chancery for example meets the already existing image yet the band is making a new image that is somewhat more professional but still unique to the band so we decided that Copperplate Gothic Bold would be the best suited to the conventions of our artists iconography and brand.

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