Film Diary
6th October 2012
Began the day by
setting up and checking the equipment, we have two HD cameras, 2 Tripods,
flexi-pod and steady cam. Then it’s on to do hair and make-up, we have based
Amy’s look on Miss Havisham and Alice in wonderland whilst bringing in features
that her and the group regularly use so she is in a white gown with several
different layers and has assorted pearl and beaded necklaces, her hair is down
with a white rose and netted lace headdress, then her make-up is mainly neutral
with a white band of face paint across her eyes with a white detailing to the
side with silver jewels imbedded in the pattern. For Jenny she is dressed in
black with knee high black boots and black beaded necklaces and a black earing
she has curly extensions her look is mainly black to completely contrast with
Amy’s look. Her make-up is mainly neutral with black eye-shadow. After make-up
me Hazel and Tim set up the room. The room is aged and the plaster worn we
allow a shade of light to enter from the hallway and set up books, a bottle of
wine by the fireplace we then make the rest of the room look as bare as
possible and set up a vase of wild flowers on the mantel piece.
We then go over the
walk through for this part of the video and set up the cameras as well as the iPhone
4 we are using to create the making of video. Then we start filming most of the
shots are hand held and I work on the close ups and extreme close ups of Jenny’s
face, arms and legs. We then go to a tripod shot of Jenny reading and
discarding books as well as drinking from a bottle of wine. We then begin to
shoot her throwing the vase of flowers from the mantel piece we do this four
times using a different angle on each camera every time she throws the vase off
the mantle. We then set up a light above the door frame in which Amy will walk
past, we film this shot form both inside and outside the room. After which we
film Jenny’s journey to follow Amy down the hallway and out the door.
After this is complete
we take a lunch break and discuss the next aspect of the video whilst making
sure everything we need for the beacons is with us. The weather is sunny and quite
warm my main concern is the large amount of rain that has fallen in the last
few days will cause the waterfall to rise which may make filming more complicated
than originally anticipated. Following lunch we all get ready to leave we drive
in the Range Rover as this will be much easier to get us to the right part of
the Beacons due to its off-roading functions. It takes us about ten-fifteen
minutes to get the beacons the ground is quite solid but the rain fall has
caused the stream that runs by the campsite to become higher. When we park up
me and hazel set up the tripods and check that the two locations are ready for
us to film, whilst Amy and Jenny work on hair and make-up touches and Tim sorts
out the refreshments.
We quickly have a team
meeting and discuss the plan for the filming here and then the filming at the waterfall.
I begin by filming Jenny this part of the video is where Jenny has moved from
an urban setting to the countryside, we film her taking in the surroundings and
shoot her journey at several different angles. Whilst I do this Tim is now
filming the shots for the making of video and Hazel and Amy are on the higher
bank preparing for the next shot. After filming Jenny I position her in the
correct place and then move to check that everything is ready for the next
series of shots with Amy and Hazel. When I reach the higher bank I attempt to
direct Jenny from above with a tripod to indicate the directions that she needs
to move this does not work, so I direct Amy and then return to Jenny. We then
film the next part of the video where Amy leads to Jenny from above to the
lighter place. We film this from several different angles and then take a
After the break we set
up the next shot where Amy and Jenny come face to face and we film this with a
series of long shots, close ups and p.o.v shots. We then set up the throwing
the leaves shot. Tim stands behind Amy and Hazel stands behind Jenny both
holding lumps of leaves whilst I film for about ten minutes we cover the two in
leaves, a few passers-by think that we are actually conducting a wedding and a
dog decides that he wants to be in the video to.
But once we are sure
that we have enough footage we work on the passing of the rose, I film from Amy’s
perspective and Hazel films from Jenny’s we work with a series of long shots
and close ups to the final shot of Jenny holding the rose to her and reaching a
place of piece.
We then take another
short break and collect all the equipment before going to the waterfall which
is a short drive away. When we climb to the waterfall we see that the waterfall
has risen so Jenny will not be able to cross it so we take a few minutes to
change the way this shot works, we begin with just s hot of the waterfall and
then have Jenny standing by it after a few moments of clarity we then use then
show Jenny realising that Amy is behind her and she begins to follow her we
then film this from other angles we then pack up and go back to Camden Road.
When we get back Tim
and Amy take a well-earned rest and then me Hazel and Jenny film the final part
of the video in the guest bedroom we shoot from different angles and use the flexi-Pod
to get low down shots. This takes about 20-15 minutes and then we charge the
equipment and tidy the room before calling this part of the music video a rap.