Friday 22 June 2012

Research and Planning: Alternative Music Genre

Alternative music Genre
"From what I know, alt. music was the name that music critics and magazines called 80s rock that wasn´t ¨new wave¨ at that time. Unfortunately the alternative music became the primary focus of the media, therefore nullifying the meaning of such coined genre.

Musically, it appeals very subjective opinions. I guess it depends on what you consider alt. rock and all its sub genres (including brit pop, grunge, indie, etc) but I find the alternative sound to be a kindle of overlooked subjects in lyrical points of view; therefore forgetting love is the best focus of songwriting to create hits and tackle more controversial, possibly new, subjects.
I find the guitars have a more strumming purpose and a less meticulous role than what it had during the 60s and 70s, nonetheless potentially brilliant.
Forget about jam bands anymore or elaborate improvisational skills, here the main goal is to reach thousands of people, more probable a whole generation, and play what they want to hear but never had the chance before.
It is supposed to repel any potential commercial weariness that rust the songs (a job that clearly songs like Smells Like Teen Spirit fail to do) as it´s not its objective, thus concentration in something bigger than success; maybe achieving satisfaction by merely the action of an ¨outcast¨ to communicate with another ¨outcast¨ about subjects of interest, not tackled in commercial airplay.

Alt. rock, as its name suggests, is another perspective to music´s often overlooked point of view and enjoy something different for a change... thus rendering the term oblivious to alt. rock music that was considered, say, 20 years ago."

(answer sourced from
Examples include Thirty Seconds To Mars- The Kill (bury me)
Fall Out Boy Dance Dance

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