Monday 15 October 2012

Research and Planning: Full Script

Script-Section One

Fade in

Television Static appears on the screen it is dim and faint, fade to an extreme close up of a person's feet the room is dimly lit the camera tilts up slowly to reveal the person's ankles, straight cut to the Television Static, fade in to reveal the camera panning moving from her right shoulder to her left shoulder, straight cut back to the static, fade in to extreme close up of the girls hands the nails are painted darkly and badly chipped the nails appear as if they have never really been cared for, straight cut to Television Static then fade in to an extreme close up of a girls lips they are pale pink with a slight hint of gloss yet the rest of her is pale. Straight cut to the static, straight cut to an extreme close up of the girl's eyes they are dark and smoky she looks wide eyed and depressed and the light diagonally goes across her face so that her eyes are the only part of her face to be lit. Straight cut.

Medium close up of the girl showing her from the shoulder up she is dressed darkly with long hair that is in a similar fashion to her nails and looks uncared for and untidy. She looks directly at the camera and then looks away as if she doesn't know what to do with herself, straight cut, reveals that she is sitting by a fired place that is not lit the room appears cold and the only source of light in the room is the diagonal strip that comes from a small window in the room. On the mantel piece is a vase of carnations and a painting of another girl, surrounding Jenny on the floor are several books, straight cut, Medium long shot Jenny picks up the oldest book in the pile and opens it as if about to read yet soon becomes frustrated and throws the book across the floor, she then rests her head against the fireplace as if about to cry yet she hits it in anger, straight cut, Medium long shot, Jenny slowly rises from the floor and begins to trace the edge of the mantel piece slowly as if she finds it comforting, it is revealed that she is in a bedroom and the bed is messy and unmade, Jenny begins to look at the flowers and gently strokes the stem of one of the carnations then suddenly she throws the vase off of the mantel piece, straight cut, Close up reveals the vase being thrown off of the mantel piece and slowly pans down to show the vase falling to the floor and smashing in to several small pieces. Straight cut, Medium Close up, the camera tracks Jenny moving back to the fireplace she resumes her sitting position and buries her head in her hands. A medium long shot reveals a figure dressed in white fleeting past the room and down the hall way to the left, reverse shot shows Jenny looking up she does not immediately move and looks as though she is questioning whether or not she just saw what she thought she saw, she slowly rises from the floor and heads in the direction of the door, the camera tracks her movements and her face is in the full frame, until she reaches the door and then the camera pans to follow her walking out of the door and down the dark corridor, at the same time you see the white figure heading through the door and watching it close and Jenny timidly walks towards the door the camera begins to zoom until all that can be seen in the frame is the black of Jenny's back, the camera zooms out to reveal Jenny walking down a narrow street at night.

Section two

Camera zooms out to a medium long shot to reveal Jenny walking down a narrow street at night, reverse shot/ reaction shot where Jenny appears anxious and afraid of her surroundings, straight cut, medium long shot reveals the alley to be dark and lit by faint street lamps, in the distance you can see a group of people walking around a corner, reverse shot Jenny looks terrified she begins to turn back but decides to continue forward. P.O.V of her walking towards and through the group they appear terrifying and look as though they are tormenting her, straight cut medium long shot shows her coming through the group she is highly distressed and near to a complete panic attack. Long shot shows that the group was merely just a drunken group of clubbers who are on their way home.

Long shot shows Jenny is still frozen on the street, over the shoulder shot reveals a flash of white at the end of the street, reaction shot reveals Jenny moving in the direction of the white and the journey continues, she turns down the street, straight cut she reaches the end of the street and the camera begins to zoom until all that can be seen in the frame is Jenny's eyes, it becomes clear at this point that she has begun to cry, she wipes away a tear and the camera begins to slowly zoom out.

Section Three

As the camera zooms out the lighting has changed and Jenny is surrounded by bright natural light, as the camera continues to slowly zoom it becomes clearer and clearer that she has moved to a hilled are, straight cut, medium long shot shows Jenny taking in her surroundings she turns and the camera tracks her as she seems to follow something, she reaches a shallow stream and begins to wash her hand, straight cut, P.O.V shot of someone watching Jenny from above, straight cut, close up of Jenny washing her hands in the water, she then turns, straight cut, low angle shot reveals Amy standing on the ridge above the lighting is still bright and natural, Amy begins to walk and Jenny follows, they walk together high angle shot reveals the direction that both of them are walking in, cross fade, close up of Jenny for the first time looking confident and strong as if Amy gives her strength, cross fade close up of Amy her make up is pale and gentle creating both the idea that she is both kind and strong at the same time, cross fade, reveals Amy standing at the left hand side of the frame looking right she is standing by the side of the waterfall, the light is bright but the surrounding trees create shelter which is apparent, cross fade, Jenny is on the right hand side of the frame and looking left Jenny walks across the water fall in the direction that Amy has just left, straight cut, long shot shows Jenny walking down an uncared for path way she is following Amy, straight cut, long shot shows Amy turning a corner and Jenny speeds up more confidently in her strides. As Jenny turns round the corner, straight cut wide shot shows an area of flat land that is surrounded by the beacons Amy walks to the far left side of the frame and stops as Jenny enters the far right side of the frame and then Amy turns to face Jenny they pause taken in by the moment, leaves begin to engulf them Jenny begins to walk towards Amy and Amy walks to meet Jenny until they both are facing each other in the middle of the frame. P.O.V shot reveals Jenny mesmerized by the leaves the camera follows the leaves, straight cut, wide shot shows the two watching the leaves the slot is slow. Medium close up, the camera moves around the two girls engulfing them in a circle showing that Jenny is looking significantly better her eye shadow is lighter and her lipstick slightly darker she looks better and more healthy, Amy looks the same but appears happy that Jenny is on the road to recovery. Straight cut P.O.V of Jenny watching Amy as she hands her a white rose bud, straight cut, P.O.V of Amy as Jenny receives the rose and it is in full bud, she smells the rose and smiles she closes her eyes, fade out, fade in, Jenny is sitting by the fire-place the broken vase is still by her side yet she appears happier and the make up change is still the same she is still holding the white rose she looks at it, the camera pans to follow her walking to the dresser taking out a new vase and placing the single rose in the vase and placing it back of the mantle piece she smiles, straight cut, close up of the rose, fade out.

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